Today I just want to let you all know that if you’re not following Katya Andresen, you should. Today’s post is about creating happier supporters. There are some great tips, and this advice could not possibly come at a better time. People are tired of doom and gloom. Give them some happiness. Tell them what they did that changed someone’s life. Or just change their life.
Once, early in my career as a development officer, I decided to secretly deliver plates of home-baked cookies to each of my planned giving donors. I just chose a day, motored myself around the city in the early morning hours, and left the cookies on their doorsteps with a little note of thanks. Pure delight on both of our parts! Sadly (or fortunately) my list of planned gift donors grew over time to the point where I could no longer engage in this particular activity. But there are virtual ways to do this too.
How about some planned acts of kindness with our donors? They deserve it!