It's back-to-school and prime fundraising season. In fact, the end of the year will be here...
In Part 1 of this two-part series of “Top 10 Strategies to Prepare for Fall...
You’ve got one month before fall fundraising season begins in earnest. What will you do with...
"Give me one moment in time. When I’m more than I thought could be. When...
Everything I learned about saying “thank you” I learned from: My mother. Miss Manners. Penelope...
Giving is an emotional experience. It deserves an emotional response. Be human. Ever notice how sometimes when...
Major gifts begin with “Getting to Know You.” If you want to be a successful...
It used to be so simple. You called donors over the phone, sent handwritten thank you...
What must you keep top of mind to have meaningful conversations with donors who (you...
Wondering where fundraising is heading in our highly networked, overly saturated, noisy-as-all-get-out post-digital revolution world?...
What if I told you there’s a teensy little digital upsell that could skyrocket your...
People keep telling you to add more text messaging to your communications strategy, right? It’s a...
When organizations aren’t raising as much money as they need, they’ll often tell me: “We...
Please don’t leave your new (or old for that matter) board members dangling! Being a board...
Sustain the positive energy of love and connection Are you throwing your former board members out...
Have you ever found yourself, whether by accident or design, face-to-face with a VIP –...
Want content that raises money? Tell more stories. Storytelling today is ‘hot.’ And why not? It’s the...
Annual reports don’t have to be dry as dust. In fact, the most effective ones...
If you are a U.S. Citizen, it is VOTE! BE THE CHANGE you want to see. "Democracy...
Steven Shattuck of Bloomerang wrote something for Nonprofit Hub called the Ultimate Nonprofit Social Media...
Figure out a killer way to capture folks attention. We live in an information overload society....
If it smells like a fish...Today I've been thinking about how government and nonprofits work...
Can there be any innovation where we fail to accept the fact that the status...
I just came across this blog post. Technology Can't Help YouWhile I agree that technology...
Culture & Values
Radiance is meant-to-be. Radiance means: To have the light within us lit To send out light...
Get on the Pathway to Passionate Philanthropy, Not Forgettable Fundraising In Part 1 I laid out...
Get on the Pathway to Passionate Philanthropy, Not Forgettable Fundraising Philanthropy is a mindset. An embracing...