How to Chat People up with your Nonprofit Blog – Coda to the R.C.A. Series
Still a bridesmaid? Or have you gotten engaged? The R.C.A. Series is all about engagement. It’s the middle part of a three-part series. We move from values (philanthropy)… to shared values (development)… to action (fundraising). Every tip in the series (as well as in the preceding C.P.A. Series and the upcoming S.S.T.S. Series) also pertains to just about everything else you do in your nonprofit work. So read this even if you don’t have a blog. Yet.
Blogging is not a one-trick pony. It’s a way of life that expresses who you are, why you’re of value, and how you and your ‘stakeholders’ — those who have a stake in the outcomes you produce — can work together to create positive change. (If this sounds a lot like the “case statement” of yore, that’s because it is!) Think of your blog as your content hub; the place from which all messaging emanates.
Blogging is a three-part proposition. In fact, so is your entire marketing strategy. And your fundraising strategy. And your program strategy. Arguably, your entire modus operandi is a three-part proposition: