Get Your Solicitors and Donors Ready for the Major Gift Ask- Workbook
Why you should get this Strategy Workbook
It is a rare donor indeed who gives without being asked – and this holds true in spades for major gifts.
- If you’ve identified the right prospects, you’re not done.
- If you’ve developed your compelling, specific cases for support, you’re not done.
- If you’ve determined your total fundraising goal and the numbers of prospects and donors you’ll need to reach that goal, you’re not done.
- If you’ve developed a cultivation ‘moves management’ plan to get your prospects to the point of readiness, you’re not done.
- If you’ve implemented a killer stewardship program to draw your prospective donors closer and closer, you’re still not done.
All these things are critical pre-conditions to making an ask, of course, but they’re just the warm-up. Because… guess what?
The Number One Reason Folks Don’t Give is THEY AREN’T ASKED.
What’s holding you back from asking?
We’re not sure the right amount to ask.
We don’t have all the information we need to feel well-prepared going in.
We don’t have the right person to make the ask.
We’re not sure we’re asking the right decision-maker.
We don’t have a disciplined approach that everyone involved in the ask is comfortable with.
We’re not sure it’s the right time to ask.
Our board says they’ll do anything but fundraising.
Our E.D. is too busy building programs and putting out fires.
Do any of these excuses sound like your organization?
Excuses are just that – a reason put forward to avoid doing what you know must be done, but for some reason you’re uncomfortable doing.
This Major Gifts Fundraising Strategy Workbook is all about getting you comfortable and blowing all the common excuses for avoiding ‘the ask’ out of the water.
- It will help you overcome whatever obstacles to success are standing in your way.
- It will simplify your life and guarantee you raise more money.
- Most important, it will help you conquer any niggling doubts you have. You must be fearless!
When the iron is hot, it’s time to strike! Too often nonprofits cultivate, cultivate and cultivate, but never get around to the ask. There’s such a thing as waiting too long – and it’s just as crippling as asking too soon. Are you, or your leaders, afraid to take the leap?
How to overcome asking anxiety is exactly what you’ll learn in this Strategy Workbook!
If you can’t figure out a strategy to actually get the ask made, then the fact that you’ve done everything else right will not matter one whit.
Successful major gifts are:
- not won through fear or intimidation, but through courage and encouragement.
- not secured on the fly, but through careful planning and strategizing.
- not rocket science, but passion channeled through the hard work of people who are thoroughly prepared.
People won’t just reach for their checkbook and give you money. They have to understand how much is needed, why it’s needed now, what it will be used for and, most important, they must be asked to give.
You can’t wait too long for the “perfect” moment to ask; ask when you’ve done “just enough” relationship building moves.
This Workbook will help you whether you’ve got a one-person shop or a sophisticated program looking to take major gifts fundraising to the next level. Executive Directors, Development Directors, Major Gifts Officers, other fundraising staff, board members and volunteers will all benefit.
- How much to ask for
- Role of your database
- The information you’ll need to feel prepared
- Role of board vs. role of staff
- How to overcome asking anxiety
- How to reframe the conversation to storytelling
- How to understand your asking style
- The #1 secret to successful asks
- How to get the visit
- Who to involve in the ask
- How to prepare for your roles
- Tips to assure your donor prospect is receptive to your ask
Prepare Yourself and Your Solicitors to Knock the Ask Out of the Park!
This is major gifts fundraising in a box! Use the goodies inside to stop stressing about making the ask. Line up your duckies… put your best foot forward… and GO!

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All Clairification products are guaranteed. In fact, if you don’t make more money than you spend on this, I’ll make a donation to your nonprofit!