Get The 7 Clairification Keys to Unlock Your Nonprofit’s Fundraising Potential
This newly revised and expanded Guide is filled with tips, tools, templates, exercises, worksheets and checklists to take you to the next level!
If growing competition for donor dollars is getting you down, it may be time to recognize that success won’t come simply by building awareness and becoming well known. Today you must build relationships to become well owned.
7 CLAIRIFICATION KEYS TO UNLOCK YOUR NONPROFIT’S FUNDRAISING POTENTIAL includes a wealth of materials to help you take some time to develop the necessary mindset, and supporting infrastructure, to show donor-investors what’s in it for them to affiliate with you. What value do you offer? And why is it better than what anyone else is offering?
Through a series of clairifying worksheets and individual and group exercises, this 42-page guide will give you fresh insights into how fundraising and marketing have changed more in the past seven years than in the previous 50 – and what that means for you and your organization.
You’ll learn how to:
- Clairify your Values and lead from passion, not need.
- Clairify your Stories and share them; make your donors heroes.
- Clairify your Brand and listen for offers; seize opportunities.
- Clairify your Social Channels and meet folks where they are.
- Clairify your Support Constituencies and be accountable.
- Clarify your Engagement Objectives and measure.
- Clairify your Resources/Systems for creating positive customer experiences.
How much time do you spend being genuinely thoughtful about your goals and objectives? And do you take as much time as you would like to think strategically about your plan to achieve these ends? Not just mindlessly editing or tweaking last year’s plan, but really digging deep into why you’re doing these things?
If you ever feel like:
- We’re not thinking clearly about vision, mission and values.
- We don’t convey the depth/breadth of what we do.
- We don’t know how to differentiate ourselves in the market.
- We don’t know how to reach prospective supporters.
- We’re not building a sustainable base of donor-investors.
- We’re not on the same page when connecting with constituents; too many departments operating in silos.
- We don’t have systems in place to make our work efficient.
- We’re working really hard, but it doesn’t seem optimally effective.
- We don’t know how to measure effectiveness.
- We don’t have clarity on what success will look like.
Then this SPECIAL GUIDE is for you.
Spend a little time — for yourself and for your organization — to dig into the worksheets and exercises in this Guidebook. Refresh your thinking, and refresh your plans. Stop asking so much what your donors can do for you; ask what you can do forthem. You may be amazed at how this little shift in thinking can help you get to your goals with greater grace and much less angst.
If finding sustainable sources of financing to ensure furtherance of your nonprofit mission is an ongoing struggle, it may be time to tinker with your system.
Spend some time to bring your work to life with these 7 Clairification Keys – you’ll get:
- 42 full pages of materials
- 12 easy-to-use worksheets and exercises
- A Resource Guide with lots of useful links – to help you get to your goals.
- A complimentary 15-minute consultation

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All Clairification products are guaranteed. In fact, if you don’t make more money than you spend on this, I’ll make a donation to your nonprofit!

Clairification subscribers receive special discounts. To get yours, click here
All Clairification products are guaranteed. In fact, if you don’t make more money than you spend on this, I’ll make a donation to your nonprofit!