How to Write a Great Blog with Amazing Content for Your Non-Profit
Why you should get this Guide
You’ll learn how to:
- Boost awareness of your cause,
- Find new constituents,
- Learn more about your current supporters, and
- Build engaging relationships with folks who can take your nonprofit to the next level.
Blogging will make it easy for you to take advantage of a whole host of opportunities you’re probably struggling with now.
We’ll focus on what I call the ‘CPA Theory’ of blogging. Just remember those three letters. They’re your key to creating compelling blog content that will enable folks to find you, trust you and come back to you time and time again.
Are you the best kept secret in town? Blogging will help you tell your story and shine a light on all the information that will inspire folks to become connected to and engaged with your organization.
Would you like a weekly opportunity to tell people your stories?
Would you like fresh opportunities to get featured in other media, and to make your cause more relevant for people?
Would you like to stand out from your nonprofit peers with a truly useful and fun blog that keeps folks coming back for more?
Would you like a way to start building your email list of supporters in an organic way?
Would you like a system that assures none of your content (and trust me, you’ve already got lots of it!) goes to waste?
Would you like a way to make future newsletter writing – and, for that matter, social media and all your content marketing – a piece of cake?
How can you do this?
A blog is a cost-effective form of marketing. And it’s user-friendly too. You can pretty much put the site up and publish the same day – no HTML coding knowledge required.
If you set yourself up to blog consistently, you’re also setting yourself up to post content to Facebook and Twitter (and other media) that’s timely, relevant and meaty. This is content that will be shared, so it makes what you’re already doing much more valuable.
Wondering how this might be related to fundraising?
The #1 reason people don’t give is because they aren’t asked.
The #1 reason people aren’t ready to be asked is because they don’t know enough about you, aren’t engaged enough with you, and just don’t keep you top of mind.
You can’t sit still and expect people to find you, know about you or want to give to you. A blog can help you turn things around when it comes to awareness of and engagement with your cause.
Do you remember being skeptical about whether your organization really needed a website? I do! It wasn’t that long ago, yet I’d wager you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone today who doesn’t believe you should have a website. Websites ruled in the days of outbound marketing. No more. We’ve entered the era of inbound marketing — and blogs facilitate interaction that today’s constituents demand.
The Clairification How to Write a Great Blog with Amazing Content for Your Non-Profit Guide includes everything you need to communicate consistently with folks in a manner that will make them want to become engaged with you further.
What’s inside?
Discover content your audience wants
Learn where to find great content
Show you’re listening
Build a blog editorial calendar
Write accessible, authoritative and actionable titles and intros
Your first 10 posts plus sample templates
and more!
Sound good?
If you want to stop being the best kept secret in town, it’s time to start rocking a blog filled with content your constituents – including prospective donors – are looking for.

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Clairification subscribers receive special discounts. To get yours, click here
All Clairification products are guaranteed. In fact, if you don’t make more money than you spend on this, I’ll make a donation to your nonprofit!