How to Promote Your Blog to Build Your Reputation and Supporter Base
Why you should get this Guide
One of the key reasons you need a blog is to create a hub for fresh, remarkable content that will drive folks to you – like bees to honey.
Another key reason is to take advantage of the interactive nature of blogs – the way they offer a natural means for connecting with your constituents in real time.
But what really makes a blog super powerful is its leveraging power. If you can get your constituents to promote your content on your behalf, then you’ll really be cooking!
You need to promote your blog and get others to promote your blog.
Sadly, blog promotion is often considered a secondary function. It’s not uncommon for folks to spend the lion’s share of their time researching, writing and publishing their posts. But… then what? Too often it just sits there like a lead balloon. Until you’re well-known, people are not going to naturally find you. That’s why knowing how to promote each of your blog posts is your key to ensuring more people see it, read it, and hopefully take one or more of the actions you want them to take.
Promotion will give you a bigger bang for your blog buck.
This Guide will help you discover what I call the ‘SSST Theory’ of blogging. You’ll learn to build a “Super Sonic Transport System” that will enable all your brand messaging – across multiple channels – to emanate from your blog.
This Guide covers building a blog that’s not only worth reading but also worth sharing.
What’s inside?
4 Ways to Create Ongoing Dialogue Flow
How and Where to Share
How to Increase Shareability
How to Develop Online Word-of-Mouth
Influencers vs. Advocates
9 Tips to Get Others to Promote Your Nonprofit Blog
Search Demystified
Blog Promotion Checklist
Sound good?
Rocking a blog requires strengthening three legs of a three-legged stool:
- Content is essential.
- Engagement is vital.
- Promotion is imperative.
All three must work together.
Your blog will be unstable if any one leg is missing. Without promotion your super-de-duper content just sits there. Too sad. Don’t let that happen!

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