If you’ve been reading my articles a while, you know I’m a proponent of reframing fundraising as storytelling.
And you don’t simply “tell” your story; you “develop” your story.
Truly, that’s what it’s all about.
In fact, I define “development” sometimes as being akin to developing a photograph. If you’re an artist, you’ll bring all the resources at your disposal together (camera, tripod, special lenses, lighting, editing tools, choice of subject, etc.) with the goal of developing the most compelling visual story you can — one that’s so arresting folks will absolutely be unable to look away!
One of the best fundraising ideas around is sharing inspiring, compelling stories.
Stories to which your donor wants to jump in and become the hero who gives the story its happy ending.
1. Send volunteers into the field to see your work in action.
On their return, ask them to share what they’ve experienced. The best way is at a board meeting (so others can be immediately and directly inspired), but you can also debrief them individually. Take notes, or even record them, so you can build a shareable “story bank.”
2. Ask program staff to share stories with you.
Perhaps schedule a monthly meeting with key staffers solely for the purpose of hearing a story or two. My boss used to call these “Stories that will break your heart and restore your hope.” You can then use these stories in your blog or e-newsletter. Or even in your annual appeal or thank you letters.
3, Schedule opportunities for all staff to come together to share stories.
I used to do this regularly on a Friday afternoon. Program and development/administrative staff would intermingle and talk about the week’s successes over a glass of wine and a bit of bread and cheese. It was a great way to build a culture of philanthropy, affirming that we were all aligned with the mission in our respective lines of work. And great stories always surfaced.
4. Ask board members and other volunteers to share their personal story.
What inspired them to get involved with you? What continues to inspire them? Ask them to tell these stories at regularly schedule meetings of your board and committees.
5. Bring in folks you serve to tell the story of how they were helped.
This is called the “mission moment,” and it’s a great way to assure your volunteers have great stories on the tips of their tongues. The best way they can be an advocate, ambassador and asker on behalf of your cause is through the telling of these stories.
Hope this is helpful!
- For more details on collecting relevant, compelling stories, check out this article.
- To learn more about developing your story so it truly resonates and moves your readers/listeners emotionally, check out this article.