Nonprofit Blogging that Drives Engagement Playbook
How to Win Friends and Influence People Through Blogging.
I would love for you to consider your blog as the hub of your content marketing strategy.
It confounds me how many nonprofits still have e-newsletters in lieu of blogs — when blogs are like e-newsletters on steroids!
- With blogs, you can drive folks to your website to learn more, or take desired actions.
- With blogs, you own your content and subscriber list (which is not the case with publicly owned social media platforms).
- With blogs, you can serialize your storytelling and give folks a “bite” they can chew on, rather than an overfilled buffet with too much content for them to enjoy at one sitting.
- With blogs, you can regularly serve up what donors want (Research from Penelope Burk shows donors would much prefer to receive short bits of content whenever you have something relevant to share with them). People don’t want stuff you push out there just to stay on your schedule.
- With blogs, you have a living entity where folks can comment, share and actively engage.
- With blogs, your supporters can forward your content to their social networks, giving you exposure to new audiences. Then their friends can forward to their friends, and so on and so on… breathing new life into your content.
- With blogs, your content can be found by organic search, again increasing your exposure to a wider audience.
Why you should get this Special 4- Volume Guide – It works! It really works!
There’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel. Blogging is not rocket science.
There is, however, a science and an art to it – a right way and a wrong way – a short way and a long way.
Your shortcut to successful engagement through blogging.
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about blogging and engaging nonprofit communications and tucked it into 4 handy no-nonsense guides to help you become a “player” in the blogosphere. It’s all here!
Why you need one
How to persuade the ‘powers-that-be’ to give the green light
Figuring out your potential audience
Building a blog that will compel your readers to share with their friends
Getting folks to meaningfully engage with you — not just ‘likes’ and ‘follows’, but desired actions that will move your mission forward
Getting your blog actively promoted so you can find new supporters
Defining success; then measuring the right things so you’ll know what’s working
If you read these guides, and use them, you’ll expand your audience, increase engagement and make your life a lot easier. Why?
Working smart beats working hard any day of the week.
Blogging is not just something to check off a list of ‘to-do’s’. Done right, it’s the content hub for all your other marketing communications and strategy. All the work done there can be leveraged elsewhere. Everything else emanates from your blog.
The better your blog strategy, the easier it will be for you to accomplish multi-channel marketing. Your tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn discussions, Instagram and Pinterest shares and even your e-newsletters and online fundraising campaigns will write themselves.
Any tool that accomplishes multiple objectives simultaneously is a winner.
You’ll learn what readers really want from you and how to give it to them.
Did you know that the content you’re sharing now probably has minimal interest to your potential readers? Did you know that your current promotion strategy probably sucks? Did you know that inbound marketing, of which blogging is an integral part, costs 62% less per lead than outbound marketing?
You’ll get oodles of actionable tips to simplify your life, plus get a step-by-step road map taking you through all the basics.
Your blog should not just be theory, but practice!
In this 4-Volume Playbook you’ll learn:
- Why you need a blog as the center of your content marketing strategy
- How to make your content absolute dynamite within the restraints of your limited resources
- How to engage folks to drive desired actions
- How to build your reputation and develop new and ongoing supporters
If you want to stop leaking donors and begin keeping them… you need to read this special step-by-step Playbook! I’ve divided it into 4 volumes to help you focus on what’s most important for you at the stage of the game you’re in. If you’re new to blogging, you may wish to purchase all 4 volumes at the special discount “bundle bargain.” Or feel free to try just one to check out the content; then move forward as your needs dictate.
In every volume I share with you tons of tips, templates, checklists and samples to help you apply what you learn RIGHT AWAY. Sometimes you’ll even get (optional) homework to help you apply what you’ve learned before it becomes a distant memory.
What’s inside the 4-volume Playbook?
Volume 1:
Nonprofit Blogging “Get Started” Workbook + Resource Guide
All the basics to get you started. Worksheets, blogging tactics, content checklist, your first 10 posts, links to a multitude of popular and highly-retweeted marketing and blogging posts (I’ve done all the research for you and curated the best tools out there), and last but not least, how to persuade your leadership this is a worthwhile investment.
Volume 2:
How to Write a Great Blog with Amazing Content for Your Nonprofit
Discover the content your audience wants, learn where to find great content, how to show you’re listening, how to build and use an editorial calendar, titles, topics and intros that capture attention, sample templates and more. This is a very practical guide to assure you stop being the best kept secret in town!
Volume 3:
How to Use Your Blog to get People to Support and Engage with Your Nonprofit
You definitely need to set goals for your blog! Do you want to use it to find new supporters, develop thought leadership and build brand awareness? This Guide shows you how. You’ll learn to make your content relatable, conversational and actionable. You’ll learn to always have a call to action, and how to optimize these to get the biggest bang for your buck. You’ll learn what makes a most compellingly shareable. And you’ll get a 6-step blog engagement strategy.
Volume 4:
How to Promote Your Blog to Build Your Reputation and Supporter Base
What really makes a blog super powerful is its leveraging power. If you can get your constituents to promote your content on your behalf, then you’ll really be cooking! This guide shows you how to get your blog shared via digital word of mouth. It discusses the differences between influencers and advocates, and why you need both. And you’ll get a great blog promotion checklist, among other tip sheets.
Each of these jam-packed guides is very affordable individually. You can buy them one at a time (just click on the links above separately), or get all four at the BUNDLE Bargain” discount below.
If you’re not happy for any reason there’s a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee. So you can’t lose.

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All Clairification products are guaranteed. In fact, if you don’t make more money than you spend on this, I’ll make a donation to your nonprofit!

Clairification subscribers receive special discounts. To get yours, click here
All Clairification products are guaranteed. In fact, if you don’t make more money than you spend on this, I’ll make a donation to your nonprofit!