Your Unique Coping Strategies?
I still don’t write poetry, though
I wish I did to convey
how I feel this February.
in a time of blossoming,
and groundhogs, valentines,
love and promise. Not a beginning,
middle or end. Just now. A most precious time;
I don’t have to race through it.
the daily gifts all around
so easy to pass by and miss
because I’ve a goal to reach
and think hare, not tortoise,
and forge ahead. Not always sure where
I’m going or why. Thinking everyone should
know these things and stay strong
and resolute. But resolutions
are overrated and we
don’t keep them easily or well.
I resolved to let go
of the past and now think
I must also let go the future.
My gift to myself is the present
and the people in it I love and treasure
disregarding all time.
While marking time with daily joys
regarding petals, dawns, moons,
father, sister, number one son
I promise myself to try
embracing daily dreams so tight they
cling to me and don’t allow moving away
to other places. Now.
A sort-of poem. For lovers, friends and family. And strangers we don’t yet know well enough to love. Let’s get to know one another better. Not tomorrow. Today. Enjoy the present. Now.