How Community Based Fundraising is a Branding Opportunity

Three San Francisco Hearts: Wash-Your-Hands; San Franswissco; ReleaseYou are known by the company you keep.

No nonprofit stands alone.

It may be born alone, or die alone, but it stands together.

That’s because it’s not about “I,” but about “we” and “us.”

Your nonprofit not only fulfills a demonstrated need, but it addresses problems other folks agree need addressing. All of you are “in” on addressing the problem and making the community and world a better place.

The company you keep should reflect your community.

Community based.  Significance-based. Story-based.

Friendships. Deep connections. Relationship building.

This all creates the nonprofit brand.

Put another way, as my friends at The Ross Collective say: “People who are closest to the problems are weighing in on the solutions.”

Branding is Vital in Today’s Rapidly Changing Environment
