This issue I’m emphasizing two things:
(1) Resolutions and Trends for 2019, and
(2) Major and Legacy Giving.
The first is timely generally; the second is timely because my annual Winning Major Gifts Fundraising online course kicks off January 22nd and I’m thinking a LOT about this most cost-effective fundraising strategy. I want you to think about it too! Even if you don’t enroll in the course, I hope you’ll consider ramping up your efforts in this area. It’s where the lion’s share of the funding is, and I firmly believe nonprofits of all sizes and shapes should be investing where they’ll reap the greatest reward.
There are lots of other topics covered in this issue of the Clairity Click-it as well. As others helped me, so do I want to help you. Which is why I spend the time I do finding you a great mix of articles, podcasts, webinars, templates, e-books, whitepapers and whatever I come across on the web I think may be useful. Without the generosity of my sponsor, Bloomerang. I wouldn’t be able to keep this up. So pretty please click here to let Bloomerang know they’re awesome!
I wish you a happy and healthy New Year, and thank you sincerely for doing the important work you do.
P.S. Give yourself a pat on the back for being a dedicated do-gooder. The world needs as much goodness as it can get, and I am honored to be your partner along the way. Thank you!
Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…
New Year’s Resolutions and Trends
Click-it: 3 Steps to Make your 2019 Board Retreat a Whopping Success. Planning a board retreat this year? Let Cindi Phallen of Create Possibility take you through some key steps to ensure success.
Click-it: How You Can Make Next Year Your Most Successful Year. I always love Mary Cahalane of Hands On Fundraising’s writing because it’s inevitably practical. As you resolve what to do more or less of in 2019, here are a few suggestions.
Click-it: Fundraising Trends and Tips for 2019 from the Experts. The folks at Graves Fowler Creative have compiled some terrific advice for you. Pick one or two and commit!
Click-it: 2018 Was Another Wild Ride. Can We Unbuckle Our Seatbelts Yet? Adapting to a changing philanthropy landscape can be a real challenge. Barbara O’Reilly, CFRE suggests four strategies you might consider for the coming year on the Guidestar blog.
Click-it: 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Nonprofit Social Media Managers. Julia C. Campbell of Marketing for the Modern Nonprofit suggests ten keys to success in the year ahead. Bottom line: think more about helping than selling. Build a community rather than a self-promotion channel.
Click-it: 6 Online Fundraising Best Practices to Make 2019 the Best Yet. Some practical tips on the Qgiv blog from Christina Relacion of Cathexis Partners. It was hard to pick a favorite, but I think maybe #5 – if you haven’t already done this.
Click-it: Ten Essential Time Management Tips for Fundraisers. I suggest you pick just one of these tips from Tina Cincotti of Funding Change and commit to it over the course of the next year. If you try to do all ten, you’ll do none. It’s just too much. Pick one you think will really make a difference in your life.
Click-it: Can Using iPhone Night Shift Avoid Disrupting Your Sleep? Advice from sleep researcher Sara Westgreen on Beth Kanter’s Blog to help you get the rest you need to stay healthy.
Major and Legacy Giving
Click-it: Top Strategies to Kick Start Major Gift Fundraising. Check out my article on the Bloomerang blog to learn why savvy fundraisers at organizations of every shape and size are moving in the direction of major individual gifts.
Click-it: How to Get Your Major Donors to Refer New Prospects to Your Organization by Joe Garecht is a ‘tell it like it is’ piece I want you to take to heart. There’s no magic bullet, and I agree this is the best way to get major donor prospect referrals. Slow, steady and systematic wins this race.
Click-it: What to do when a supporter notifies you that they left your organization in their estate plan but won’t take your calls. This is sage and super practical advice from Greg Warner of Market Smart.
Click-it: Planned Giving for Everyone is a refreshing take by 30-something Aaron Hamlin on Medium, writing about why everyone should consider giving early and long-term: “You’re never too young to learn (and do) planned giving.” It gives a donor’s perspective on giving.
Click-it: 7 effective content marketing ideas for nonprofits. Ron Pruitt of 4aGoodCause lays out ways to creatively tell your organization’s story and inspire donors to support your cause.
Click-it: How long should your fundraising story be? Jeff Brooks, the dynamo copywriter behind Future Fundraising Now, says it should be brief. The longer part of the ‘story’ is about the donor. Couldn’t agree more.
The more you learn, the more you grow.
Finding webinars you’d like to attend that overlap? Note that for many of these webinars you can obtain a copy of the recording if you’re unable to join live – as long as you register!
New Year’s Resolutions and Trends
Click-it: Data to Start Your New Year Right [Register for free webinar, 1-16-19]. Learn from Douglas Shaw & Associates what data you need to analyze and how to use it to get better results out of your 2019 direct response activities.
Click-it: 2019 Marketing Trends Nonprofits Need to Know (and Embrace) [Register for free webinar, 1-10-2019]. Nonprofits are not immune to changes in technology and the marketing space. Join Angie Kubicek of Firespring for an hour to discuss marketing trends to shape your nonprofit’s efforts.
Click-it: How can you get your new brand to stick? [Listen to free podcast]. The new year is a great time to think about refreshing your brand – and really working it! Listen here to Ally Dommu, Director of Strategy for Big Duck.
Major and Legacy Giving
Click-it: 9 Useful Proven Strategies to Get the Major Donor Visit [Register for free webinar, 1-8-2019]. Join me and my friends at Market Smart as we give you the tools and confidence you need to get up close and personal with the folks who will be key to your fundraising success over the long haul.
Click-it: How to Build and Sustain Your Major Gifts Pipeline [Register for free webinar, 1-9-2019]. Join me and the good folks at Hubspot for this session covering 10 steps to identify, qualify, cultivate, ask and steward your way to fundraising success. We’ll review where to begin, which prospects to prioritize, how to develop and manage a major donor pipeline and cultivation plan, and how to get and stay organized so you reach your goals.
Click-it: Top 5 Fundraising Campaigns of 2018 [Register for free webinar, 1-15-19]. The folks at Classy have collected a number of examples to help you with recurring giving, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer, high converting landing pages and more.
Donor Management
Click-it: Putting the Mission First: How Nonprofits Can Benefit from Outsourced Donation Processing [Download free white paper]. If you’ve ever wondered whether you should outsource direct mail donation processing and donor fulfillment, this white paper from the folks at Merkle RMG is filled with good information.
Matching Gifts
Click-it: Top Matching Gift Companies [Download free listing]. Your donors can often more than double the value of their gift to you by applying to their company for a match. Double the Donation has put together a comprehensive listing for you to share with your supporters.
Special Events
Click-it: Special Events Pocket Guide [Download free resource]. Classy breaks down two successful events in this Guide, extracting key learnings and ideas you can apply to your next nonprofit event.
Click-it: Creating a Culture of Storytelling at Your Nonprofit [Download free Cheat Sheet]. The new year is a great time to focus on shifting your culture so all the pre-conditions for effective fundraising and marketing are in place. Here’s an awesome place to begin, from Julia C. Campbell of Marketing for the Modern Nonprofit.
Did You Miss My Recent Articles?

If I know it, I want you to know it!
Here are links to my most recent articles. Enroll in ‘Clairification School’ to get access to every single article I’ve ever written – with new ones delivered weekly straight to your in-box! You’ll also get free monthly tips from your own “My Clairification” dashboard.
- 10 Approaches to Inspire Philanthropists to Help Your Nonprofit Cause
- Unless You Do These 7 Things, Your Major Gifts Program Won’t Succeed
- 3 Nonprofit Secrets to Rock Major Gift Fundraising
- Are You Reading Your Major Donors Correctly?
- Shared Cure-Alls: Philanthropy and Placebo Effect
If you find value in Clairification, your support via enrollment in Clairification School is a blessing. I promise to pay it back, and continue to offer lots of specific advice to help you raise greater awareness, more volunteerism and passionate philanthropy.
Hope to see you in Clairification School!