Get ready to raise a glass of nog to celebrate your year-end fundraising success!
In this issue you’ll find a number of resources to help you get to the finish line, as well as resources to assist you in hitting the ground running in the new year.
[Yes, I’ve color coded them for you. Red means do it now! Green means it’s evergreen advice]
Please join with me in thanking my awesome sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to continue to offer these hand-curated resources to you for free. My motto is: “If I know it, I want you to know it.” Life’s too short, and our problems are too big, to keep information all to oneself.
Good luck with your end-of-calendar-year fundraising, and let’s get right to this issue’s links!
Thank you for doing the important work you do. You make our world a better, safer, stronger, more beautiful and caring place.
P.S. If you find these resources helpful, I hope you’ll consider enrolling in Clairification School to get a full year’s worth of ALL the wisdom I have to share! See what others say about why they’ve joined. I’m confident it will help you do your job more effectively, and with greater joy. Questions? Reach me directly at,
Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…
Annual Fundraising
Click-it: Are You Mindlessly Employing ‘Best Fundraising Practices?’ Any practice that doesn’t move your reader to take the action you desire, is not a ‘best one.’ Check out my guest post on the Guidestar blog.
Database Management
Click-it: Three Ways the Back End of Donation Processing Keeps Donor Relationships Afloat. Bill Sayre, President of Merkle RMG, is an expert at using actionable data insights to improve the donor experience. In Nonprofit Technology News he discusses the donation processing elements that are the cornerstones of strong donor relationships.
Donor Acquisition
Click-it: Give to Get: The Need for a New Acquisition Model. If you’re enrolled in Clairification School, you know I say all the time “If you want gifts, you must give them.” Increasingly, that appears to be not just true for donor retention but also for acquisition. Check out this article, supported by data from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, by Nick Ellinger on The Agitator/Donor Voice blog.
Donor Retention
Click-it: Strategies to Retain Recently Lapsed Nonprofit Donors. Lapsed donors are too valuable to let them fade away without making a concerted effort to win them back. I’ve laid out 7 recommended strategies on the Bloomerang blog.
Major and Legacy Giving
Click-it: A bunch of reasons why January is NOT necessarily the best time to ‘hit your donor’s mailbox’. Greg Warner of Market Smart offers on-point strategies for communicating the benefits of legacy giving in our digitally revolutionized age. The key is not when to mail, but why your donor may or may not be ready to receive your message.
Management and Strategy
Click-it: The Frozen Middle Separates Management from Leadership (and Innovation). I’ll let you in on a little secret. Brian Solis is one of my favorite ‘big thinkers’ (his book, The End of Business as Usual, has been an influence in my work exhorting nonprofits to wake up to the digitally revolutionized zeitgeist in which we find ourselves) and I’m a huge fan of cartoonist Hugh MacLeod of Gaping Void. Here they team up for some hard truths about why many decision makers today suffer from “out of touchness.” See if this rings any bells for you.
Click-it: 3 Easy Holiday Gift Ideas for Nonprofit Staff. This comes from Joan Garry Consulting and offers some lovely ways to recognize staff for the important work they do.
Online Social Fundraising
Click-it: 5 examples of great fundraising appeal e-mails. If you’re still working on your year-end e-appeals you may find these examples helpful. All from the good folks at 4aGoodCause.
Click-it: How to Succeed on Social Media During Year-End Fundraising. Multi-channel campaigns give you the biggest bang for your year-end fundraising buck. Learn how to leverage your content – with examples — from this article by Mary Jane Ragusa on the Qgiv blog.
Click-it: 30 Power Words That Convert on Social Media. The right words can prompt folks to invest in your cause and spread your mission to the world. The folks at Classy have rounded up 30 words that do the job of moving people to action. Take a look, and sprinkle some into your year-end emails and social media posts. Get some up on your website while you’re at it!
Psychology of Giving
Click-it: How to Get People to Help You (and Donate). Nick Ellinger reviews Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help You on The Agitator/Donor Voice blog and discusses how you might apply this research to fundraising. Spot on advice.
Click-it: 3 Ways to Use Writing to Inspire Donors. If you don’t relate to your donor’s values and passions you won’t get them engaged with you. Vanessa Chase of The Storytelling Nonprofit shares some foolproof donor-centered strategies here.
Click-it: 4 Steps to Year-End Balance, Energy, & Focus. Nancy Schwartz, Getting Attention, shares a 4-step ladder to well-being, and doing your best work year round – all tips from Beth Kanter. Guess what? If you do this as a team you’ll get more out of it, and begin to instill a culture of self-care, other-care and philanthropy.
The more you learn, the more you grow.
Finding webinars you’d like to attend that overlap? Note that for many of these webinars you can obtain a copy of the recording if you’re unable to join live – as long as you register!
Donor Retention
Click-it: Unlocking the Mystery of Donor Retention [Register for free webinar, 12-13-18]. Get ready to retain all your year-end donors with this Firespring-sponsored webinar with Barbara O’Reilly, CFRE.
Major and Legacy Gifts
Click-it: Mega Donors: Find them – Cultivate Them – Keep Them [Register for free Flash Class, 12-12-18]. Bob Carter will guide participants through a methodical, donor-centered approach to position your organization to acquire and retain mega donors – sponsored by the good folks at Donor Search.
Online Fundraising and Marketing
Click-it: How to Promote Your Online Fundraising Campaign [Register for free webinar 12-18-18]. Julia C. Campbell is an online fundraising guru! I can promise your time won’t be wasted if you join this session hosted by Charity How To. You’ll get tactics to use for your website, email list and social media channels, plus how to use video in online fundraising.
Click-it: Facebook Birthday Fundraising Demystified [Register for free webinar, 12-19-18] Considering doing more peer-to-peer fundraising in the coming year? Check out this presentation from the P2P experts at Turnkey.
Donor Acquisition
Click-it: 10 Great Ways to Find New Donors for Your Non-Profit [Download free e-Book]. This guide from Joe Garecht, The Fundraising Authority, includes 10 smart strategies for finding and engaging new donors
Major and Legacy Giving
Click-it: Are You Ready for Gift Planning? [Download free book chapter + assessment]. This comes from Charity Channel authors Brian M. Sagrestano, JD, CFRE and Robert E. Wahlers, MS, CFRE. After you complete the ‘readiness assessment’ you can scroll down to read what each element of this tool means.
Management and Strategy
Click-it 5 Steps to Your Best Year Ever [Watch free video]. Plan ahead to hit the ground running in 2019 with these tips from Sean Triner of Moceanic. Even though you’re super busy with year-end fundraising right now, just take a listen and put a pin in one or more of these ideas for when January rolls around.
Online Fundraising and Marketing
Click-it: The Ultimate Subject Line Guide [Download free e-Book]. iContact has poured over three years of subject line data to uncover the secret of what makes the most effective subject lines for every message type, occasion and industry. [Also see my piece on nonprofit email subject lines under “Recent Articles,” below.]
Did You Miss My Recent Articles?

If I know it, I want you to know it!
Here are links to my most recent articles. Enroll in ‘Clairification School’ to get access to every single article I’ve ever written – with new ones delivered weekly straight to your in-box! You’ll also get free monthly tips from your own “My Clairification” dashboard. Plus bonuses, discounts and more.
- 7 Magic Words that Increase Charitable Donations
- Major Donor Fundraising: What to Know about New Tax Law
- You Deserve to Rock Nonprofit Email Subject Lines!
- Happy Days of Thanks(for)Giving
- Framing Year-End Philanthropy: Behavioral Science Tweak
- Do One of These 12 Strategies Before Year’s End to Raise More Money
If you find value in Clairification, your support via enrollment in Clairification School is a blessing. I promise to pay it back, and continue to offer lots of specific advice to help you raise greater awareness, more volunteerism and passionate philanthropy.
Hope to see you in Clairification School!