January 2023 Tips

Consider these tips your New Year’s Resolutions. They’re simple to accomplish, relatively inexpensive, and they’ll give your fundraising program a big boost in the coming year. As the folks at Nike would say: JUST DO IT! Tip One: Correct Your Bad Addresses Give donors the gift of reconnection! Did you know in the U.S., at any…


December 2022 Tips

Welcome to your Clairification Dashboard and Monthly Tips! You’ll find something new here each month — paralleling what you’re likely thinking about during this time period. This month I’m giving you multiple tips because, heck, it’s a very critical month for fundraisers! Did you know nonprofits receive, on average, 50% of their annual contributions from…


November Tips 2022

I’ve personally declared November ‘Gratitude for Blessings’ month. For me, this means finding opportunities to demonstrate gratitude. And today I’m grateful for you, my readers. Whereas donors are the center of your nonprofit’s universe, you are the center of mine. You are the reason I write.  When I can’t share my ideas, it’s almost as…


October 2022 Tip

This is the time of year you need to start seriously ASKING for gifts. Chanel the famous hockey player Wayne Gretsky who said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Add to that the urgency of the NOW. The end of the calendar year is when most nonprofits raise the bulk of their…


September 2022

Want a powerful strategy to work smart? Here’s the single most important lesson I ever learned. Begin with the why. Always. If you don’t, you’re likely to work very hard and not achieve much of value. Why? Because you didn’t begin your endeavor by asking yourself: “What’s the value in this work upon which I’m…


Another August 2022 Tip

I have a little extra tip for you this month because I recently learned of some interesting research related to framing your appeal differently, depending on whether you’re reaching out to new or ongoing donors. The experimental research was done by Dr. Ayelet Fishbach, and you can listen to her speak about it here. What you’ll…


July-August 2022 Tips

It’s not too early to begin planning your fundraising strategies for the fall and end of the calendar year.  You’re probably already thinking about your appeal.  But what about person-to-person major gift fundraising? For most nonprofits the lion’s share of money comes from the smallest group of people. Many of these folks respond well…


June 2022 Tips

First, I want to address the elephant in the room: INFLATION. It’s on a lot of people’s minds, and for good reason. Costs will go up and you may worry donations will go down. A recent article by Duke Haddad in Nonprofit PRO addressed this issue. While I don’t think it’s time to panic, you…


May 2022 Tips

The time to assure you’ve got a manageable plan in place so you’re ready for prime fundraising season next Fall is now. This month’s tips are designed to help you figure out how to prioritize and manage everything on your plate. A task management system may help a little. Here’s one some of my clients use…


March 2022 Tips

As we move into Spring in the northern hemisphere, and Fall in the southern regions, I have a few tips to “spring” on you and some best practices for you to “fall” into! [NOTE: Did you know modern medicine changes somewhere around half its “best practices” every few years?  We should be thinking about, re-evaluating…
