How to Stop Being a Radiance Slayer
Mothers know what they know
and don’t … it’s as though
their eyes were half shut
to keep love freely flowing
regardless of insults and ego blows
and I hate you and
you’re not my boss
and no I won’t and yes I will
and promises unkept.
Mothers know when they can
and can’t… and they plan
so you feel they will
come through with no doubt or care
despite not enough time to think or feel
or stop to take breath
or pause to un-hunch
or dare to un-clench
lest all hell might break loose
and knowing be known.
Mothers know, yes they do,
and children do too
that sprouts grow deep roots
to soak up all that’s their due
one way or another, rainstorm or drought
until life is sure
and fuel is charged
and it’s time to take
flight to stages unknown.
Mothers know when they won’t
and will… and they don’t
shed a tear in sight
of children who can’t show them
just exactly what they want and they need
or let them in or
let them out… maybe
let them be human
just in that moment.
Mothers know that we know
and won’t let it flow
freely to the tip
of our tongues or our fingers
or any expressive place not tightly
wrapped with a ribbon
stuffed in a box
as permitted by
all who might see us.
Mothers know what they know
and don’t… babies go
from the nest and then
come back as half babies and
half something strange and
that tears spring unchecked
and fists can unfurl
and knowing’s not knowing.
Mothers know.
A sort-of poem for mothers and children, teachers and students, coaches and mentees and all who nurture and are nurtured. May the love flow freely, in underground streams and roaring rivers, and wherever tears and joy flourish.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Beautiful, Claire. You are truly a talented woman. Happy Mother's Day to you!