Stop Using Canned Nonprofit Elevator Pitches to Raise Money
Check out this month’s nonprofit blog carnival. It’s all about how to build, maintain and evaluate a great nonprofit website. There’s a contribution from yours truly , as well as nine other posts to take your website to the next level.
It’s still surprising that with all the great marketing advice available to nonprofits today, so many folks still aren’t adjusting their writing, adding enough visual elements to their websites to make them compelling and adding share buttons so it’s easy for their constituents to engage with them and each other.
Through the Carnival you’ll find out
why it’s easier to manage your website (and less expensive) than it was “back in the day;” how to make ongoing updates that keep your site fresh; how to plan your site’s content using a ‘wireframe,’ and how to make your site exceptionally user-friendly.
why it’s easier to manage your website (and less expensive) than it was “back in the day;” how to make ongoing updates that keep your site fresh; how to plan your site’s content using a ‘wireframe,’ and how to make your site exceptionally user-friendly.
Finally, you’ll learn how to use some web analytics to track what’s happening. Who’s using your site? From where do they access it? How do you turn data, like Google analytics, into insights that are actionable? And are you in compliance with legal requirements?
A blog carnival, by the way, is simply a collection of blog posts all written around a similar theme. The Nonprofit Blog Carnival has different hosts every month. August was about nonprofit newsletter trends. Coming up next is how nonprofits are using CRM and predictive analytics to successfully implement multichannel campaigns. The host is Miriam Kagan over at npENGAGEand she’ll no doubt welcome your submission, due by October 28th!
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