This just in: “Many nonprofits post on Twitter throughout the day to keep constituents up to date.” Woo-hoo! I’m jumping for joy! Over the moon! Popping champagne corks! I’m….
Wait just a dog-gone minute… Is this really a news story? What does this really tell me? How does this help me? Well, perhaps if I read the story I’ll…
Learn more.
What story? Oh… this is a real headline, sent to me by my friend Jimmy (a really smart marketing guy who works in the business sector), for an article that appeared in eMarketer which claims to provide “the world’s top brands, agencies and media companies with the most complete view of digital marketing available.” Yet really all the article does is report on a study by Vertical Response showing that nonprofits were more likely to be present on social media channels than small businesses surveyed in a similar study.
So, great. We’ve got some data on how nonprofits are behaving digitally. They’re putting up Facebook pages and starting Twitter accounts. Whoop-de-do.
What we do not have is a fully fleshed out narrative that tells us why nonprofits are behaving this way, who they’re targeting with their social conversations or what they’re getting out of it. We have no knowledge of their engagement plan or their engagement metrics. As I told my friend Jimmy, the fact that nonprofits are doing incrementally more on social media doesn’t really tell much of a story.