Three San Francisco Hearts. Polaroid Heart. Heartwave. Broad Stripes and Bright-Stars. Benefit for San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.

Why Smart Nonprofits Focus on Growing Monthly Giving

Three San Francisco Hearts. Polaroid Heart. Heartwave. Broad Stripes and Bright-Stars. Benefit for San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.For at least the past seven years I’ve been actively encouraging nonprofits of all stripes to prioritize beginning or ramping up their monthly giving program.

Not a lot of nonprofits were really leaning into this then. But, as much sense as it made then, it makes even more sense now.

So, I’m going to ask you: How are you doing with this?

Here’s why I’m asking.

If there’s anything the pandemic years have taught us,not to mention recent climate-related disasters, you need a dependable source of income in order:

  • To be able to sustain programming for problems that never go away.
  • To be able to weather current storms, anticipated and unanticipated.
  • To be able to reliably plan for the future.

It turns out there’s nothing as dependable as monthly donors.

In fact, donors who give to you recurrently sustain you so well a monthly giving strategy is often called a sustainer program.

Do you deserve a group of people who will sustain you through thick and thin?

Of course you do!

But you don’t always get what you deserve – unless you make it happen.

How to Make Monthly Giving Happen

As someone poetic so eloquently put it:

“Nothing will work unless you do.”

— Maya Angelou

Let’s get down to work!

There are four steps to a successful monthly giving work plan:

License Plate: NOT GR8

5 Cardinal Sins for Nonprofit Fundraising Renewal Appeals

License Plate: NOT GR8

In my last article I talked about the importance of making a good first impression with potential donors.

It’s extremely important to have a strategy in place, just as if you were going on a first date. Those who plan ahead do well. Those who don’t? Not so much.

Both dating, and donor wooing, are a delicate dance.

But, let’s say you did a good job. Your donor prospect made a gift!

Now what?

If you like them (of course you do!), and want a second date (of course!), you’ve got to make a good second impression. And third, fourth and fifth impression. The value of a first-time donor (which often costs as much as $1.25 to generate $1.00) is not realized in that initial gift. Sustainable fundraising is all about donor lifetime value.

So, after the first gift, you definitely want a plan in place to thank and cultivate this donor throughout the year. Some communications will have an ask included, but most will be designed to build your donor’s interest, engagement and loyalty. Once the relationship is sufficiently built, it’s time to seek that second gift.

Let’s talk about the renewal appeal, and why so many of them are just gosh-darn awful.

Why Do Fundraisers Who Should Know Better Keep Committing These Sins?

Maybe it’s because of the “monkey see, monkey do” nature of human beings. We see someone else do something and assume it’s good practice. Especially when they’re a household name, just bigger than us, or someone we, another staff member or board representative hold in high regard.

Event guests wearing masks

Nonprofit Event Fundraising: They’ll Never Forget How You Made Them Feel

Event guests wearing masks


In Part 1 we looked at establishing event goals and objectives; then determining if an event was the most efficient and effective way to achieve desired outcomes. In Part 2 we reviewed 4 top event planning tips. In this last article of a three-part series on event planning we’ll look specifically at how to make the event “stick” emotionally.

1. Overall, we’ve recognized most events are less about actual monetary return on investment (ROI) than they are about return on engagement (ROE). In other words, if you’re doing an event purely to raise money there are other more cost-effective fundraising strategies.

2. However, events done right are an excellent awareness-raising, branding and donor cultivation tool. You just have to go into events fully cognizant of what success will look like, both from your organization’s and your donor’s perspectives.  Only armed with this understanding can you create events that will be worth your while.

3. Today we look at ways to make events – once you’ve decided to hold them – fulfill both your and your donors’ dreams. This is where you deliver on becoming unforgettable — in a truly great way — so the next time you reach out you are warmly embraced. In other words, this is the first step to getting event attendees to stick with you over time.

Gala event room

Top Proven Nonprofit Fundraising Event Planning Tips

Gala event room

In my last article (Part 1 of a three-part event planning series) I offered a compendium of common sense event planning advice. It centered on the wisdom offered to Alice by the Cheshire Cat when she asked which road she should take:

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,”
said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where–” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

— Alice in Wonderland

When it comes to special events, your goal is important.

Once you settle on a direction, then you’re able to pick the best road to take you there.

Hopefully you read the previous article, determined an event was your best strategic option to reach your primary end goal, and now you’re ready to get to work!

4 Top Planning Tips to Invite and Ignite

1. First you want people to come. 

This means your invitation to the event should incorporate the following:

Gala event reception

Common Sense Nonprofit Event Planning Advice

Gala event reception

Let’s begin with the Big Kahuna piece of advice: Ask yourself WHY you want to do this event.

Were you to bring your event proposal to a wise shaman or mentor, this is the question they would ask you first – well before asking what theme or format you have in mind or what color scheme you want to use!

And yet this is the one question I find nonprofits failing to ask.  Does anyone in leadership on your staff or board think either of these things?

  • Events are an inevitable part of the diversified fundraising mix.
  • Events are the primary way to generate awareness and funds.

Events are neither inevitable nor primary.

Events are merely a means to an end.

And since they are extremely resource-intensive, one thing is critical — and too many nonprofits skip right over this step. Please, don’t let that be you!

Think long and hard before embarking on a strategy that could potentially derail other more lucrative and cost-effective approaches.

Events have their place, to be sure; it’s up to you to put them in their place. You must take charge, lest your event(s) take charge of you!

What is Your End Goal?

You don’t buy a drill because you need a drill. More likely, you need to create a hole. And there’s something particular you want to fill that hole with, right? Maybe the drill will give you that perfect hole or, perhaps, there’s another more effective tool. It depends on the size and purpose of your desired hole. The same is true with nonprofit special events.

You don’t create an event for the sake of having one.

No matter what one or more board members or other leaders think would be swell. No, you hold an event for a specific purpose. For example, to:

Jar of Coins

Do you wish you had a dime for…

Jar of Coins

Awareness alone is passive.


Do you wish you had a dime for every time a nonprofit board or staff member told you “We’re the best kept secret in town; if people knew what we do, they’d give to support us.”

Nonprofits tell me this all the time! If I had all those dimes, I could make a nice contribution to your cause.  And I would, if…

  • You endeavored to learn a little bit about me,
  • You engaged me personally,
  • You discovered my values match yours,
  • You offered me opportunities to connect with your mission and supporters that involved something other than money,
  • You showed me you knew what most engaged my passions, and…
  • Then you gave me the opportunity to enact my passions by asking me for a gift!

You see, merely “building awareness” will not ipso facto raise more money for your cause.

Just because I care about something, and somehow learn you are involved in doing something about that thing, doesn’t mean I’m going to support you financially.

Why should I?  There are a lot of good causes out there, and making a decision to invest in you is something I need to feel emotionally and then act on.

I’m busy.  I’m overloaded with information. And inertia is just too powerful a force.

You’ve got to do better than just hope I’ll stumble upon your website, see your social media post, hear about you on the news, or even open your direct email if you want me to really sit up, pay attention, and actively engage.

Especially if you want me to engage as a philanthropist.

Control Soup. Caution Soup. Street art.

These Fundraising Appeal Fallacies Will Cost You Money

Control Soup. Caution Soup. Street art.Ever have a well-meaning, yet perhaps overly controlling or risk-aversive, boss say to you:

  • Our fundraising letter must be no longer than one page.

  • That’s too simple; we don’t want to talk down to our donors.

  • We need to say more about our accomplishments.

  • We need to describe numbers of people served; that’s what’s impressive.

  • That’s not how I talk.

  • That’s not our corporate style.

  • That’s not how we do things.

  • That’s not what our donors are used to.

  • That’s not proper grammar.

  • That’s too gushy and effusive.

  • I want happy, not sad, photos.

  • Asking the reader to “please give generously” is sufficient; no need to name an amount.

  • Asking once is enough.

  • The development director should sign the letter.

  • Signatures from both the E.D. and board president will be more persuasive.

  • We don’t need a P.S.

Alas, these are common fundraising appeal fallacies that will cost you money. Money donors might have given to you, if you’d only understood some fundamental fundraising truths.

Truths, Not Fallacies

I was reminded of some of these truths in a post from Jeff Brooks. He spoke of true pearls of wisdom gleaned from his fundraising mentor, the pioneering direct mail writer Bob Screen. We’ve lost Bob and several fundraising giants in recent years, including Simone Joyaux and John Haydon, but we should never lose sight of the wisdom they imparted. It’s the best way to assure their memories live on and their good works continue.

I did not know Bob, but I’m sure I learned from him without realizing it.  Because the good stuff gets passed around. Why?  Because it works.

And it takes someone with experience to not just demonstrate it works, but to forcefully maintain the necessity of adhering to tested principles, facts and truth.  Even – especially – in the face of doubters (e.g. executive directors; board presidents) who would seriously derail your fundraising efforts. With all good intention, of course.

YOU are the fundraiser.

Never forget this is why you were hired. No one is an expert at everything. And chances are fundraising writing is not your leadership’s key area of proficiency. It’s your job to know what works, and what doesn’t.

Person in homemade costume playing a powerful role

Invite Nonprofit Donors Into Your Story, Giving Them a Powerful Role to Play

Person in homemade costume playing a powerful roleYou must invite your donor into the story.

Take yourself out of the equation.

Donors don’t care about you, but about what they can do through you.

Stop talking about your good work.

Talk, instead, about the good work your donor wants to do.


5-Step Strategy to Illuminate the Donor’s Role in Repairing the World  

1.Tell a quick story about a specific project.

You’ve got lots of stories. They’re probably interesting enough to grab your donor’s attention. Don’t make the mistake of trying to talk about your entire mission all at once in a fundraising message.  It’s too much for people’s brains to absorb.

What you want to do,
