Why are You Cutting Down Trees and Asking Me to Pay For It? 5 Cardinal Sins for Fundraising Renewal Appeals (aka, making a poor 2nd impression)

My last post was about the importance of making a good first impression with potential donors.  If you want to keep these folks, it’s equally important to make a good second impression.  Sadly, someone who should know better recently blew it with me.  And I hesitate to call them out, because as a nonprofit professional…


Opinion above Knowledge: Common Communication Missteps to Avoid Part 1

Are you writing your own fundraising letters?  Worse still, is your Executive Director writing them?  According to Jeff Bros “insiders” like you and your key staff are simply too close to the organization to write effective, persuasive copy.  Why?  Because over time you/they have developed a certain way of thinking, and a certain proprietary knowledge,…
