
A Dozen Fresh Ways to Occupy Philanthropy: Top Tips to Build Community and Broaden Your Donor Base

Philanthropy should not just be about big checks.  We live in times of scarcity. How are you mobilizing your community in fresh and different ways? How are you building long-term capacity to sustain your organization? How are you creating stronger, deeper relationships with constituents? 1.      Identify where your communities hang out.How? Lo for what groups…


Please Stop the Madness in March (and any other time): Integrate Fundraising and Marketing

Shall we join forces? Fundraising is not basketball, but it’s madness not to play as a team. I’ve spen with three nonprofits in the past several months that, rather than joining forces, have decoupled their marketing and development departments. I surmise they do this because marketing doesn’t understand development. Or development doesn’t understand marketing.  Or…


Crystal Ball Time: 5 Top 2012 Nonprofit Marketing Trends

We’re seeing a lot of predictions for how fundraising and nonprofit marketing will play out in 2012.  They’re all interesting, and merit some consideration and reflection.  Today I’m engrossed by a recently released 2012 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report from Kivi LeRoux Miller. It’s worth downloading a copy, but here are some highlights with a few…
