Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Forward Motion Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

I just can’t stop taking inspiration from the inimitable Seth Godin.

This week I’m inspired by a piece talking about things we can, and cannot, do. If something about your work (or personal life, for that matter) is keeping you up at night, ask yourself if it’s a problem you can address or a situation you can’t change. This should help you shift priorities to things capable of being accomplished. Otherwise, you’ll just keep pushing that proverbial rock up a hill. And nothing will change. Exhausting!

Inverting the vex

“Life can be irritating.

And sometimes, we can make a choice.

The thing that’s vexing you: is it a situation or a problem?

Problems have solutions. If we care enough, we can find a way to solve a problem, but it might cost more money, require more effort or involve more risk than we’d prefer. If we’re ready to ease some of the constraints, that problem might go away.

Situations don’t have solutions. That’s why we don’t call them problems. There might be constraints we are not prepared to confront, or the structure of the situation may simply make it impossible to change.

If a problem is vexing us, we can use that irritation as fuel, finding the energy to deal with it. We can turn the moment into curiosity and forward motion.

And if it’s a situation? Then being vexed is a choice. If it’s helping you to be irritated, enjoy it. If not, then why bother?

Hunger and exhaustion are physically based. But being annoyed is a concoction based on expectations and the stories we tell ourselves. We can change the story if we try.”

— Seth Godin.

Okay, let’s get in to today’s content. Enjoy these resources I’ve collected over the past two weeks. I dare you not to find at least one that will help you enact your mission. As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Clairity Click-it: MAY Nonprofit Links + Free Resources Be Yours

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

It’s not always easy to find all the good stuff across the web. That’s why I do the work for you! Thanks again to my Clairity Click-it sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the time hunting and gathering. You’ll find this is another robust issue.

Find a topic that interests you, and… click away!  Whatever type of learner you are, there’s something here for you. Tactical advice. Theory and science. New approaches. Stuff to read. Stuff to listen to. Stuff to watch.

Per usual, I’d love to also share a bit of inspiration from the inimitable Seth Godin:

Bottom of the funnel

“It’s easy to get focused on the public-facing mouth of the funnel.

More followers.

More impressions.

More buzz, hype, promotion. Get the word out.

Just about all the time people who call themselves “marketers” spend is on this. Don’t worry about what happens later, just pour more attention into the top.

But the math is simple:

Most of the people at the top leave long before they engage, buy or spread the word.

Which means that doubling your conversion is exactly the same as doubling the number of people who are aware of you.

It means that by the time you get to 20 people (out of 1,000) who are ready to become committed fans, each of these people is worth fifty times as much effort as you’d put into getting one new stranger to be aware of what you do.

Don’t send a poorly-written mail merge to your best prospects. Send them a handwritten note.

It’s not the bottom of the funnel. It’s the foundation for your future.”

Are you spending your time wisely? Think about it.  If you happen to be an enrolled ‘Clairification School’ student, this month’s Bonus Tip is largely about prioritization and time management. So don’t forget to go to your dashboard and check it out.

To everyone, it is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to make our world a better place. 

Thank you for doing such vital and compassionate work, and giving to others on a regular basis,


P.S. Want to resolve to be an active learner next year? I am deeply appreciative to all who enroll in Clairification School. This is what enables me to deliver original articles direct to your in-box every week, give you access to all my webinars, and offer up exclusive monthly tips, bonuses and more!

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Clairity Click-it: Bouquet of Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Take some inspiration from the inimitable Seth Godin:

If we’re restless, it pays to get up and walk around.

Is stress different?

Along the way, it seems as though we got confused about the best way to deal with the stress that comes from work and from the projects we work on.

“Push through the stress and on the other side, everything will be okay.”

Simply get all the details right, get an A, get into a famous college, make the sale, polish the logo, do the pitch and then… reassurance will follow.

The reassurance of success or even survival. The reassurance of external acclaim or simply relief.

Now that everything’s okay, no need to be stressed!

Until the next time. Which might be tomorrow.

Reassurance is futile, because there’s never enough of it.

Some folks manage to get their projects done without this sort of stress. They’re not using the search for reassurance as fuel.

What’s the difference between giving a speech to your dog and giving one on the TED stage? It’s the same speech. The difference is in the story we tell ourselves about the stakes, the opportunity and what might happen next. If that story gets debilitating enough, it can paralyze us.

If you’re on a backpacking trip, there’s little doubt that ten more minutes of tired to get to the next campsite is a smart investment. A little more tired translates into a lot more rest.

But if you’re at work, there’s not a lot of evidence that more stress is the best way to have less stress.

Look for the story instead.

[PS It’s not easy to change your story. For some people, and in some situations, it’s almost impossible. But that doesn’t mean that more stress in search of reassurance is going to make your search for a useful story any easier. If others in your situation have figured out a story that works for them, that’s a good sign that you might find one too. If no one has, changing your situation (if you can) might be the best way forward. But we need to get unhooked from the cycle of reassurance.]

— Seth Godin


Okay, let’s get in to today’s content. Hopefully some of the resources I’ve collected over the past two weeks will help you enact your mission. As always, a big thank you to my sponsorBloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

P.P.S. If you’re an enrolled Clairification School student, your APRIL TIPS are live.  If you’re not yet enrolled, I hope you’ll join us.

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Clairity Click-it: Showers of Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Today I want to remind you that part and parcel of your personal mission, as a philanthropy facilitator, is to bring supporters opportunities for meaning and purpose.

Because when you help increase others’ sense of wellbeing, not only is the world a better place but these folks are more likely to demonstrate gratitude by giving of themselves.

Meaning drives us to act with generosity and resolve.

There is no substitute for this, not even happiness – the pursuit of which is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution). But is that really what it’s all about? If so, the U.S. is failing. Did you know this year the U.S. dropped out of the top 20 happiest countries for the first time ever, dropping from #15 to #23?

“Point is: the good life isn’t about “happiness.” It’s about meaning. Meaning is more resilient. More significant. More enduring. It emerges when we live out our most noble motivations. It’s a process, not a point in time. It’s a never ending game. All we can do is choose to keep playing.

What would happen if we stopped measuring happiness, and started measuring the amount of meaning we experience? And more importantly, if we reoriented our lives, our work, and our organizations toward cultivating more of it?”

— Hugh MacLeod, Gaping Void. Why We’re Measuring the Wrong Thing

Or consider this:

 “For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it.”

–Viktor Frankl

MacLeod argues that autonomy, purpose, community, mastery, and connection are far more holistic and effective heuristics than measuring “happiness,” as these have been shown to increase feelings of well-being. I would add these are things philanthropy facilitators should strive for as well, rather than focusing solely on monetary transactions. 

If you help people find meaning and purpose, the money will follow.

Hopefully some of the resources I’ve collected over the past two weeks will help you enact your mission. As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

P.P.S. If you’re an enrolled Clairification School student, your APRIL TIPS are live

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Springing Forth Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

The Clairity Click-it exists to bring you a range of voices from across the nonprofit world so you can resource, learn and digest at your own pace, and come up with new and better ways to do your job of changing the world.

Seth Godin wants to help you too!

How to change the world

All successful cultural change (books, movies, public health), has a super-simple two-step loop:


It’s easy to focus on awareness. Get the word out. Hype. Promo.

I think that’s a mistake.

Because awareness without tension is useless.

The tension is like pulling back a rubber band.

WHY would someone who becomes aware take action?

Is the action to buy the book? To change one’s diet? To vote?

And then the third step, so important it’s often ignored, is:

Why would the person who became aware and then experienced the tension and release… tell someone else?

So, to recap:

  • Tell 10 people.
  • Create tension among the 10 so they take action.
  • The action causes each of them to tell 10 people.

— Seth Godin

Spread your nonprofit’s word!

Create some tension that causes people to take action.

And use some of the wisdom gleaned in this weeks issue of Clairity Click-it to help you. As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerangfor making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you. I’ve got a lot of great stuff for you this week, so let’s get right to it!

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [NOTE: If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

P.P.S. If you’re an enrolled Clairification School student, your MARCH TIPS are live – and they include a BONUS this month!  If you’re not yet enrolled, there’s no better time.

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

In Like a Lion Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

This week I feel like letting you just dive right in to all the great content I’ve collected over the past two weeks. There are lots of eye-opening articles plus plenty of webinars and podcasts for you to enjoy.

[Okay, I do have a bit of Seth Godin wisdom to share, but this time it’s to be found below under “Articles/Events.” So, scroll down.]

As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [NOTE: If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

P.P.S. If you’re an enrolled Clairification School student, your MARCH TIPS are live – and they include a BONUS this month!  If you’re not yet enrolled, there’s no better time.

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Leaping Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

This week, before we get to all the resources I’ve curated to help you do great work, these questions from the always sage Seth Godin bear your consideration.

Direct questions worth answering

For everyone on the team…

Do you care enough to do great work?

Can we agree on what great work looks like?

When the world changes, do we have a process to redefine great work?

Do you have the tools you need to reach your goals?

How could we create a system where great work is easier to do?

— Seth Godin

Think about it, okay? If you really dig into these questions, both as an individual and as a team, you may be surprised by some of the answers.

Here’s the deal: If you can’t define the problem, you can’t arrive at a solution.  Alas, we work on the wrong problems all the time. They aren’t the ones that really matter. At least not to most of the people. Maybe not even to you.  Maybe they should matter, but there’s no way to figure that out unless you stop to think, ponder and explore.

Here’s my challenge to you: Will you calendar some time to ask and answer these questions within the next 45 days? Ideally, do it with some team members. Find out what’s holding you back from doing truly great work. Then endeavor to find some strategies to move yourselves onward and upward.

Okay – on to this week’s issue!

As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [NOTE: If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Love is in the Air Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Good (February holiday) news department, and couldn’t we use some!

  • The groundhog predicted an early spring.
  • The Year of the Dragon means good fortune.
  • Valentine’s Day reminds us to come from a place of love
  • President’s Day gives a long weekend (in the U.S.) to relax

But one of my favorites, on February 17th, is little known, and perfect for the social benefit sector. It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to shower your donors — and everyone you can think of (co-workers, volunteers, family, friends and even strangers ) — with acts of kindness. Think about what you can do to make someone’s day. There’s no better way to build a loyal, loving relationship than to give more than you receive.

Get creative!

If you’re fortunate (and you will be because, after all, it’s the Year of the Dragon!), this issue of the Clairity Click-it will help you discover new ways to love your supporters. There’s no surer way to energize and enthuse yourself as you work towards guiding others on the pathway to passionate philanthropy. As always, you’ll find a range of voices from across the nonprofit world so you can resource, learn and digest at your own pace, coming to your own decisions. 

Speaking of acts of kindness, I’ve also got a little piece of wisdom to share with you from Mr. Rogers:

“Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person.”

As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [NOTE: If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Brr… Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

It’s been pretty cold in my neck of the woods, so let’s warm up with a cup of cocoa, coffee or tea and some good reads. I’ve got a lot of great stuff for you this week, so let’s get right to it!

The Clairity Click-it exists to bring you a range of voices from across the nonprofit world so you can resource, learn and digest at your own pace, coming to your own decisions. My hope is some of the free resources I’ve collected and curated for you will energize and enthuse you as you work towards guiding others on the pathway to passionate philanthropy.

As always, I’ve also got a little piece of wisdom to share with you from the inimitable Seth Godin:

The generous ask

“If you don’t ask, you don’t get.”

That’s problematic advice.

Taken to an extreme, it turns us into hustlers.

The alternative is to realize that the best asks are actually offers.

When we offer to help someone get to where they were going, we’re approaching the relationship with generosity, not selfishness.

What work would we need to do to have sufficient skill, insight and reputation to be able to offer someone else a chance to reach their goals? That’s how we get. Not by asking, but by offering.

Always remember to make your ask an offer.  Show your supporters the opportunity involved – for them – in becoming more engaged and invested in your mission. Bring them joy, purpose and meaning, and they’ll do the same for you.

As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [NOTE: If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

Let Freedom Ring Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

The upcoming Martin Luther King Day holiday in the U.S. has me thinking about freedom. And also the push/pull between freedom and responsibility. Freedom without responsibility (i.e., being held responsible for your actions) doesn’t work well for anyone but one person. Responsibility without freedom is stressful. To work well, they need to play well together. Neither freedom nor responsibility are given; they’re taken.

What will you do to achieve the necessary balance to keep your organization, your community, and our world in check?

Seth Godin suggests it has a lot to do with the culture you/we build.

The freedom loop

We spend almost no time teaching toddlers about freedom. Instead, the lessons we teach (and learn) for our entire lives are about responsibility. It’s easy to teach freedom, but important to teach responsibility. Because if you get the responsibility taken care of, often the freedom will follow.

When someone points out a lack of responsibility, it can feel like an affront on freedom, when it’s actually a chance to create more freedom for the rest of the community.

You can drive as fast as you want. But you are also responsible for not running over someone in a school zone…

The speed limit is not taking away our freedom, it’s reminding us of our responsibility.

When we build a culture of people who eagerly seek out and take responsibility, we build a culture that enables a special kind of resilient freedom.

— Seth Godin

I hope you will make this the year you really work on instilling a culture of philanthropy — love of humankind. It will make all the rest of your work easier, more fulfilling and, ultimately, more fruitful. This first Clairity Click-it of 2024 is filled with a mix of topics to help you begin the coming year thoughtfully. I encourage you to dig through this curated content from across the web and pick one or more doable strategies. Approach this with a learning mindset, vowing to find at least one thing you’ll do a bit differently.

As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.

It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [NOTE: If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…
