Grateful Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources
Let’s begin with this week’s bit of wisdom…
“Let us conceive of gratitude in its largest, most beautiful sense, that if we receive any kindness we are debtor, not merely to one man, but to the whole world. As we are each day indebted to thousands for the comforts, joys, consolations, and blessings of life, let us realize that it is only by kindness to all that we can begin to repay the debt to one, begin to make gratitude the atmosphere of all our living and a constant expression in outward acts, rather than in mere thoughts.
Let us see the awful cowardice and the injustice of ingratitude, not to take it too seriously in others, not to condemn it too severely, but merely to banish it forever from our own lives, and to make every hour of our living the radiation of the sweetness of gratitude.”
— William George Jordan, The Courage to Face Ingratitude
As you’re planning ahead, and readying your year-end fundraising initiatives, take a little time to think about what, and who, you are grateful for. Approaching this time of year from a place of abundance rather than scarcity will not only reduce your stress but will also inspire people to want to join your mission. We all prefer to join a rising tide rather than a sinking boat. Optimism is contagious, and will motivate people to connect with you. And stick with you. Because… it feels good.
The magic of gratitude is it improves everything it touches, you included. As Seth Godin notes: “Generosity and gratitude often go together. They light a path on the way to better.”
So, as you enter the year-end scramble for donor dollars, don’t forget to express gratitude. Donor generosity will follow. In this regard, I commend this article from Steven Screen of The Better Fundraising Co.: The Antidote to Fundraising Fear Is…
This week’s Clairity Click-it will give you help to move forward with the best approaches. As always, I encourage you to dig through this curated content from across the web and pick one or more doable strategies. Approach this with a learning mindset, vowing to find at least one thing you’ll do a bit differently (if not today, then tomorrow; save the idea and put it on your calendar so you’re sure to revisit it at the appropriate time). As always, a big thank you to my sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the hours of time hunting, gathering and choosing the resources I believe will be most useful to you.
It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to succeed.
Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,
P.S. Please scroll down to see all my Clairification School sponsors who enable me to offer enrollment in ‘Clairification School at an affordable price [If the enrollment fee is a hardship, please email me and we’ll work it out.]