Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Ticket to Links, Free Resources
The ‘Clairity Click-it’ is a curated bimonthly newsletter – my gift to you – to help you invest in R & D (“rip off and duplicate” – a phrase I learned a few weeks ago from Jay Wilkinson, CEO of Firespring). There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when so many folks have already invented it for you!
I hope you enjoy the resources below as much as I enjoyed finding them for you. I’ve tried to offer something for just about everyone.
To your fundraising success,
Boards & Leadership
Click-it: The ‘AAA’ Approach to Board Members and Your Capital Campaign. Andrea Kihlstedt offers a great summary on Nonprofit Pro of an approach developed by my friend and mentor, Kay Sprinkel Grace. If you’re having difficulty inspiring your board to become engaged with fundraising, you owe it to yourself to check this article. And check out Kay’s book too!