Face Reality Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources
In my last issue I talked about the extinct ostracod and channeled Seth Godin’s post on the subject. Today I offer up a non-extinct creature, but one with a similar message to offer if you don’t want your organization to suffer the ostracod’s fate.
noun: The act or policy of refusing to face reality or unpleasant facts.
From the erroneous popular belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when facing danger. From Old French ostrusce/ostriche, from Latin struthio (ostrich), from Greek strouthos. Earliest documented use: 1834.
The ostrich doesn’t really bury its head in the sand. This flightless bird puts its head and neck close to the ground for camouflage. Also, they nest their eggs in holes in the ground. It’s the largest (up to 9 ft or 2.7 m) and fastest bird (43 miles/hour or 70 km/hour) on the planet and can kill a lion with a kick. If you ever upset an ostrich do not bury your head in the sand. Try apologizing. If not, be ready to be ostracized.
“Deciding that ostrichism is the better part of valor, I keep my eyes closed.”
Adam Davies; Mine All Mine; Riverhead; 2008.— from A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg
I hope you’ll open your eyes to all the resources here, and use them to help you rethink the way you do things. Tried-and-true is worth its weight in gold, but tempis fugit. Sometimes you have to throw out the old (not all of it) to embrace the new (not all of it). To do your best work, you have to stay tuned… pay attention… commit to learning.
This newsletter is designed to help you. I try to give you a taste of what’s working/not working for businesses and causes of all stripes. Sometimes it’s tactical advice. Sometimes it’s theory and science underlying the tactics. And sometimes it’s about adjusting approaches to the work in ways that can make a significant difference.
It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to make our world a better place. Thanks again to my Clairity Click-it sponsor, Bloomerang, who have stood with me and you throughout these rapidly changing times.
Thank you for doing such vital work,
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