Friday the 13th Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links, Free Resources
I’m happy today, because both I and my son are Friday the 13th babies. It’s my lucky day, and I always find a way to celebrate! Why not share in the celebration with me by checking out some of these free articles, webinars, podcasts, e-guides, cheat sheets and reports? Pour yourself a beverage of your choice; then settle in for a good read or a listen.
It’s my pleasure to curate content for you across the web – all with the goal of helping you in your quest to facilitate passionate philanthropy. I couldn’t do this without the support of my 2018 sponsor, Bloomerang, so please join me in sending them a virtual shout out and hearty thank you!
Enjoy, and may your day and week be lucky,
P.S. I’ve got lots more wisdom to share, and hope you’ll take advantage this year. Clairification School gives you a full year of tips! If you’re on the fence about enrolling, see what others say about why they’ve joined.