Bustin’ Out Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources Be Yours
June is about to bust out all over. Please, take a deep breath and some time to smell the flowers. Re-energize a bit, so you’ve got fuel to get back to your important role in making our world — even if just a small corner of it — a better place. What you do means a lot.
“Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life.
— Viktor Frankl
Your job as a philanthropy facilitator is to create meaning for supporters. It’s the gift you give, in exchange for the gift they offer. And it’s a noble pursuit.
I follow the musings of Hugh MacLeod, a highly-regarded author and artist who writes on the themes of innovation, creativity, and motivation. I love this:
“Culture is at its core, about creating meaning. Designing purpose. it is about finding that which unites us all. In such work, eventually, your travels will lead you to the great Viktor’s work.
An Austrian Jew, when he was interred in Auschwitz, he noticed that the people who lost all sense of hope were the first to die, and the people who survived were the ones who could still find meaning in their lives, could still find hope, despite their grim circumstances.
This informed his famous idea that the search for “meaning” is the great driver of human experience, which he wrote about in his classic book, “Man’s Search for Meaning”.
We are here to find meaning. That is as true in your business office as it is behind the counter at a convenience store, or working for NASA or Apple, or serving in the US Marine Corps. That is our central driver.
And a good leader never forgets it.
— Hugh MacLeod, The Gaping Void
A good philanthropy facilitator never forgets this either.
I’m here again with my curated list of good stuff across the web designed to make your job of delivering happiness and bringing meaning easier. Thanks again to my Clairity Click-it sponsor, Bloomerang, for making it possible for me to spend the time hunting and gathering.
Find a topic that interests you, and… click away! Whatever type of learner you are, there’s something here for you. Tactical advice. Theory and science. New approaches. Stuff to read. Stuff to listen to. Stuff to watch.
It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help you find the ideas, strategies, templates and tools you need to make our world a better place.
Thank you for doing such vital work, and giving to others on a regular basis,
P.S. Want to resolve to be an active learner next year? Your support via enrollment in ‘Clairification School’ means a lot, and I am deeply appreciative. This is what enables me to deliver original articles direct to your in-box every week, give you access to all my webinars, and offer up exclusive monthly tips, bonuses and more!