The ‘Clairity Click-it’ is a curated bimonthly newsletter – my gift to you – and I hope you enjoy the resources below as much as I enjoy finding them for you. There are plenty of useful articles, plus free webinars and downloadable guides – all hand-picked by yours truly.
I read. A lot. So I figure I may as well add some method and purpose to my madness. You are my purpose!
By the way, like the in-depth articles I write for my online, ongoing ‘Clairification School’, each resource I select falls into a key fundraising, marketing or nonprofit management area. If you’ve not yet paid your ‘tuition’ – just $100 — less than $2/week — for the full year – I hope you’ll consider it.
If you find value in Clairification, please sign up now for all the benefits ‘Clairification School’ has to offer. I’m as much of a ‘public school’ as I can be but, sadly, can’t keep doing this 100% for free
Your support means a lot,
Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…