Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Ticket to Links, Free Resources

Clairity Clickit - Your Pathway to Passionate PhilanthropyThe ‘Clairity Click-it’ is a curated bimonthly newsletter – my gift to you – and I hope you enjoy the resources below as much as I enjoy finding them for you. There are plenty of useful articles, plus free webinars and downloadable guides. I try to offer something for just about everyone, grouping them according to strategic categories so you can find what most interests you.

By the way, like the in-depth articles I write for Clairification every week, each resource I select falls into a key fundraising, marketing or nonprofit management area I believe all nonprofits should be focused on to succeed in 2017 – and beyond.

Clairification articles are now available by subscription.

To your fundraising success,


Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

Clairity Clickit - Your Pathway to Passionate Philanthropy

Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Ticket to Links, Free Resources

Clairity Clickit - Your Pathway to Passionate PhilanthropyThe ‘Clairity Click-it’ is a curated bimonthly newsletter – my gift to you – to help you invest in R & D (“rip off and duplicate” – a phrase I learned a few weeks ago from Jay Wilkinson, CEO of Firespring). There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when so many folks have already invented it for you!

I hope you enjoy the resources below as much as I enjoyed finding them for you. I’ve tried to offer something for just about everyone.

To your fundraising success,


Boards & Leadership

Click-it: The ‘AAA’ Approach to Board Members and Your Capital Campaign. Andrea Kihlstedt offers a great summary on Nonprofit Pro of an approach developed by my friend and mentor, Kay Sprinkel Grace. If you’re having difficulty inspiring your board to become engaged with fundraising, you owe it to yourself to check this article.  And check out Kay’s book too!


Clairity Click-it: Free Assembly of Nonprofit Resources

Clairity Clickit - Your Pathway to Passionate PhilanthropyThe right to free assembly is a core democratic value. It’s a value Americans in particular, on both sides of the political divide, honor today with the inauguration of a new president. When you believe in something, you stand up for it.

That’s what nonprofit organizations do too, every single day.  My goal is to help you do it in the best way possible. So you make our world a better, more empathic place.

As Roger Craver writes in today’s Agitator: “There’s hope to spread.” He also says “Among the most fortunate folks on this Inauguration Day are fundraisers.”

Honestly, I think we’re fortunate to do this work every day.

Clairity Clickit - Your Pathway to Passionate Philanthropy

Clairity Click-it: New Year Kick-Off Edition

Clairity Clickit - Your Pathway to Passionate PhilanthropyHappy New Year!

Here comes your first 2017 “Clairity Click-it” — an eclectic kick-off to the year.

I am happy to bring you this bimonthly newsletter for free. I find many great resources that I just can’t help but share. I truly want you to make our world a better place!

I feel the same way about the in-depth articles I write, and hope you will support me so I can continue to bring them to you regularly. They are now available by subscription.

finger-with-red-string-dont-forgetQuick final reminder: TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY to catch the Early Bird discount to register for my upcoming 8-module Winning Major Gift Strategies for small and medium-size shops e-course. It’s offered just once a year. Now’s the time!

Compell, Kvell, Tell, Sell - Your Pathway to Year-End Fundraising Success

Clairity Click-it + News! Compel, Kvell, Tell, Sell: 4 Keys to Year-End Fundraising Success

First, the news. In case you missed my recent announcement, Clairification has moved to a paid subscription mo for articles and a host of other new benefits. I’m bringing my dream of a mini on ‘fundraising school’ offered year-round, on a -or-less complimentary basis, to fruition. And I’m asking for your help. More-or-less complimentary means…


Clairity Click-it: Cornucopia of Free Nonprofit Resources

This week’s Click-it is a cornucopia filled with an eclectic mix of goodies. Maybe not as good as Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie, but… sometimes your mind and soul need feeding too!

To my friends in the U.S. who celebrate Thanksgiving this week, have a good one filled with many blessings. For those of you scattered elsewhere around the globe, make yourself a nice meal anyway and gather together with people you love. Life’s too short not to.

This poem I wrote several years ago seems particularly appropriate this year, so check out “Attitude of Gratitude” if you’ve a mind to.

And if you can, try to find some time this week to dig into some of these resources.

Now… go make our world a more caring place, and hug yourself some hope!

I am thankful for you,


Clairity Click-it: Bounty of Free Nonprofit Resources for Year-End

Friday is Veteran’s Day in the U.S., so let’s give gratitude to all those who served and serve so that others will have better lives.

That counts you in too (Big time IMHO) – so here are links to articles you may find helpful whether you’re a veteran fundraiser/nonprofit marketer or a newbie. I’m emphasizing strategies to help you with this critical year-end time of year, when folks do their most significant giving.

Plus, as usual, you’ll find plenty of free resources – downloadable templates, webinars, cheat sheets, and more.

Thanks for doing the important work that you do. It gives me great comfort in these turbulent times to know you are there. Helping. Listening. Opening yourself to understanding. Holding people accountable. Restoring faith. Extending kindness. Kicking butt when you have to. Being the very best you can be, and the best of what humankind has to offer.


Clairity Click-it: Cauldron Full of Free Nonprofit Resources

It’s almost Halloween, and a great time to think about how not to scare your donors away; rather, give them treats that will keep ‘em coming back year after year! Here are links to articles you may find helpful.

Plus, as usual, you’ll find a cauldron full of free resources – downloadable templates, webinars, cheat sheets, and more.  Take some time to continue your professional growth and education. It will make you stronger, I promise. Share with others on your staff too; there’s something for everyone!


Clairity Click-it: Basket of Delightful Nonprofit Resources

Here are some goodies to help you raise as much money as possible during the last quarter of the calendar year! Keep your focus on inspiring storytelling that sets you apart from everyone else, yet don’t forget that who you tell your story to matters as much as how you tell it.  As does where you disseminate it (hopefully not just by snail mail, but also online and face to face). Click on these links to helpful articles I hope will delight you.
