Missoni Zig Zag Top Giveaway! Hitting the Target; Missing the Mark: When there is no there there, your hype is empty, your customer is alienated and your brand gets injured

Failure to iver on your promise.  This is the cardinal sin in branding. I promised this blog would not just be about philanthropy, but sometimes also about phasion and fun. So… I am following through.  Plus I am PROMISING that if you to the Clairification e list, and add a comment to this blog…


Brand Spanking New: The changing meaning of ‘mark’ in marketing, ‘relationship’ in CRM and ‘social’ in branding and business

Branding used to connote something done with a hot iron to mark ownership of a steer.  If there was a relationship quality to this it was only in the fact of being an owner of the thing possessed. It was certainly not about building a relationship, or any important social bonds, with your livestock. In…


You Say "Potato," I Say "Patattah": Development vs. Marketing, Part 2, How to persuade your E.D. and Board that they’re the same thing

The fact that development and marketing are charged with making the same relationship-building and communications decisions means that it is time, once and for all, to actively align these functions.  Yesterday in Part 1 we discussed the natural linkages between these functions and that, first and foremost, everything we do is about the customer experience. Today,…


Opinion above Knowledge: Common Communication Missteps to Avoid Part 1

Are you writing your own fundraising letters?  Worse still, is your Executive Director writing them?  According to Jeff Bros “insiders” like you and your key staff are simply too close to the organization to write effective, persuasive .  Why?  Because over time you/they have developed a certain way of thinking, and a certain proprietary knowledge,…
