How to Take Charge of Your Fundraising Events so they’re Worth the Effort: Converting Attendees into Ongoing Donors

Before you hold your next fundraising event, ask yourself one simple question: WHY?

Take a minute, right now, to jot down all the things you’d like to happen by virtue of you having held your event.

I’ll wait.

Seriously, do it. Jot.

I’m waiting.

Okay, there are a few of you who don’t yet have pencils and paper in front of you. Yes, I can see you.  Remember ‘Miss Nancy’ from Romper Room? [I know; I’m dating myself on this one].

Now, let me guess what you’re writing (and/or thinking).


Purely Practical SMIT for October and Halloween: The Scary Alternative to Fundraising

Here comes this month’s *SMIT (Single Most Important Thing I have to tell you).   The alternative to fundraising is a lot scarier than fundraising. There are a lot of scary problems in the world.  Cancer… global warming… natural disasters… homelessness… domestic violence… human trafficking… malaria… undrinkable water… injustice… poverty… Is fundraising scarier than doing what…


5 Little Understood Factors About a Board Member's Role – Part 3 of “The 3 Ways We Go Wrong Asking Nonprofit Boards to Help Raise Funds"

Collecting for the poor is an honored tradition In Jewish tradition the “Gabbai Tzedekah,” the money collector, held a very special and esteemed role as the collector and disburser of funds to help the poor. The root of “tzedekah” means justice; it was simply the right thing to do to help. The Gabbai risked him/herself,…
