This week’s Click-it is dedicated to your year-end success!
December is the biggest fundraising opportunity of the year. What you do between now and December 31st will impact what you’re able to accomplish through the rest of the year.
- Close to a full third of giving happens in just this one month.
- 12% of all giving happens on December 31st (don’t go on vacation that day)!
- 30% of all online donations are made in December.
- 10% of all online giving happens in the last three days of the year
- Average gift size is larger in December than any other month.
It’s now or never.
Please. Seize your opportunity!
But do it right.
It’s no longer just about direct mail or an email or two.
You’ve got to think about your website, thank you pages, social media and peer-to-peer fundraising – just to name a few. Old school is good, and there are some tips in the articles that follow to help you. But they’re no longer enough.
You must use online techniques to leverage offline techniques.
Think of social media and your website home page as advertising for your appeal. So that when folks finally receive your request for a gift, they do so with eyes and ears wide-open. Because they’ve been primed.
Ready? Let’s get started!