Relationship Building: Everything You Need to Know But are Too Clueless to Ask

My original title was: Asking the Questions; Doing Something with the Answers.  A corollary would be “plan the dive; dive the plan”. In other words, we shouldn’t be diving into things (think about what you’re doing with your brand, website and social media in particular) without first asking some critical questions. I added “clueless” to…


The Sticky Effect of The Girl Effect – Messaging is the Medium. Or is it?

So powerful.  So sobering.  I just watched “The Girl Effect” video for the “n”th time; it never loses its potency. A simple story.  Rapidly told.  Presenting examples. Playing to our emotions.  Offering a solution. Messaging doesn’t get compelling than this.  In cased you’ve never seen it, The Girl Effect: The Clock is Ticking is…
