How to Use LinkedIn to Give Donors a Reason to Connect with You

Are you Linking In?

If not, it’s time to take a new look at this social platform to appreciate it for the beneficial research and relationship-building strategy it can be for you.

I find it to be a highly under-utilized tool when it comes to building your nonprofit brand, establishing authority and credibility, researching and recruiting new volunteers, donors and employees, and building stronger relationships with your current constituents.

Today we’re going to talk about how to use LinkedIn to uncover new donor prospects and build donor relationships.

Not too much. Just four no-nonsense strategies. We’ll look at two more in my next article.


Boost Gift-Giving with These 5 Donation Page Improvements

Asking for donations from your supporters is hard work. While face-to-face asks tend to have the highest success rate, it’s often a struggle to meet fundraising goals with face-to-face asks alone.

Since this is the case, many nonprofits have developed an online system so supporters can donate remotely. Plenty of organizations do great work in the design and optimization of their website so that donations can be made easily and quickly.

However, despite your nonprofit having a sleek donation page, you can probably make lots of improvements to your form that will streamline the process and improve your organization’s efficiency when asking for gifts online.

Even small organizations with low overhead costs can:

  1. Improve your donors’ experiences.
  2. Customize your giving experience.
  3. Empower your mobile donors.
  4. Leverage peer-to-peer fundraising.
  5. Encourage donors to create accounts.

These five improvements can do wonders in maximizing both the number and size of gifts that your organization receives.

Let’s get started making your donation page the best it can be.
