Use Stories to Knock Down Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising Siloes

A recent article on Beth’s (Kanter) Blog by Miriam Brosseau and Stephanie Corleto was so well-written I was inspired to share some of it with you.  I 100% agree with everything it says – and strongly believe you absolutely must do what the article suggests.

What’s that?

Bust down your siloes!

Specifically, turn those puppies on their sides so they form a pipeline, and let the free flow of ideas between programs, marketing and fundraising begin.

Can you picture this?

Imagine your program staff is hoarding all the inspiring stories of impact, and failing to share them with your development team. That’s a silo that needs to be toppled. Because…


And then they came for me…

chain link fenceWe are the do-gooders, and the philanthropy facilitators, and there’s never been a more urgent time to do good and facilitate philanthropy (aka “love of humankind”).

The separation of children from their parents is breaking everyone’s hearts – on both sides.  This is simply wrong, wrong, wrong.  And these children, who have done nothing wrong, will be permanently scarred.

Yesterday’s article from Vu Le of Nonprofit AF, Actions we can take to end the inhumane policy of separating immigrant kids and families, really struck a chord with me.  I can’t say it better, so I’m encouraging you to read the article in its entirety. It’s not about politics. It’s about right and wrong. Humanity and cruelty.
